Diabetes is a chronic disease that requires regular monitoring, daily medications, diligent diet control and structured fitness regimen. In India, Health Insurance has not penetrated fully and the cost of insurance for people with chronic disorders like diabetes is also high. Therefore most patients pay for their chronic diseases out of pocket only. This out of pocket expenditure will include the costs for their medications every day, the cost of blood tests, annual eye tests, foot check up, cardiac evaluation too. Nutritious diet sans high glycemic food as well as exclusive time to be dedicated for either fitness or recreation sport activities requires conscientious effort on part of the family. Due to the out of pocket cost of treatment, negligence of diabetes is rampant – leading to a clinical inertia. A vast majority of Indian patients do not undertake regular tests, consume medicines adequately or take time out to modify their lifestyle. Development of complications due to diabetes is therefore fairly common.
Diabetes, more importantly poorly controlled diabetes causes several complications that can be life threatening, and expensive aftermaths like
- Diabetic foot disease
- Gangerene
- Diabetic cardiac disease
- Diabetic Kidney disease
- Sepsis
- Diabetic eye disease
- Dental problems due to diabetes.

Impact of negligence