Friends Forever – Support Group Meet June 2024

Dec 13, 2024Friends Forever


The monthly meeting of the Friends Forever support group for type 1 diabetes was held on the 29th of June. On this occasion, we also celebrated 5 years of a strong bond with the Hinduja Foundation, which has selflessly supported 300 children with insulin and other diabetes supplies such as glucose meters, strips, insulin needles, and continuous glucose monitoring sensors. The celebration was energized by the presence of our Chairman, Dr. V. Mohan, and our Managing Director, Dr. R.M. Anjana. The program began with the children welcoming their favorite doctor and 2024 Kelly West Awardee, Dr. V. Mohan. He was greeted with a bouquet by two of our little sweethearts and received a standing ovation from the children, parents, and faculty.

As part of the celebration, the children were felicitated for their achievements in academics and sports. The common belief is that type 1 diabetes is a challenge that needs attention, and that there is no life after a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes as it presents a distinct set of obstacles that can impact educational experiences and outcomes. We however believe that education is more than just the acquisition of knowledge. It is the cornerstone of personal development, the key to unlocking opportunities, and the foundation upon which we build a better future. We present here a few heroes whom we felicitated for their achievements in the field of education. They are courageous and have faced their challenges bravely and resolutely, serving as an inspiration for everyone with type 1 diabetes across the world.

  1. Visweswaran, currently in the 3rd year of MBBS at KMCH Chennai
  2. Nithesh Kumar, in the 2nd year of MBBS at PIMS Pondy
  3. Sumaiya Begum, in the 3rd year of BDS at SRM Ramapuram
  4. Ms. Lavanya, a Chartered Accountant.

We also celebrated a remarkable individual whose achievements go beyond the finish line of a marathon. This person has not only demonstrated extraordinary physical endurance and mental fortitude but has also excelled in all his endeavours despite living with type 1 diabetes, a chronic condition that demands constant vigilance and management. His success serves as a reminder that physical limitations and chronic conditions do not define one’s potential. Instead, it is the courage to face these challenges and the relentless pursuit of one’s goals that truly define greatness.

Mr. Harichandran was affected by polio at the age of 8 years and was bedridden until the age of 12. He had to undergo surgery on his hands and legs to mobilize the limbs. Due to his poor economic background, he had to give up his education at the end of school. Despite facing numerous challenges, he always led his life positively and dreamed of becoming a cricketer. He searched for cricket associations for differently-abled children and is now the team manager of the Indian cricket team for the physically challenged. His achievements include:

  • Team manager for the Indian cricket team of the physically challenged during India vs. Sri Lanka, India vs. Singapore, and India vs. Malaysia matches in 2023
  • Team manager when India Women played in the Dubai Premier League in 2021
  • Dubai Premier League Winners – 2021

He has proven that no challenges or failures can bring you down unless you let yourself down.

Bringing up a child with type 1 diabetes is a challenge, but for a girl child in a society like India, it becomes even more challenging. However, Sandhya fearlessly fought against all odds and excelled in sports, particularly Taekwondo. Her achievements include:

  • 44 prizes at the District level
  • 32 prizes at the State level
  • 14 prizes at the National level
  • 4 prizes at the International level
  • Selected for the Olympics once

She is also an accomplished skater, having won:

  • 6 prizes at the District level
  • 4 prizes at the State level

A little champ, Master Sashwanth, has been trained in Silambam (an Indian martial art) since the age of 4. He has broken two world records:

  • Rotating Silambam in one hand for 1 hour and 30 minutes without a break at the age of 4
  • Performing the same with different styles without a break, each style executed continuously for 15 minutes

His achievements do not stop here; he has won multiple first prizes with single and double sticks at district and state levels. He also broke another record by continuously rotating Silambam without a break for 3 hours at Ramanathapuram and standing on a pot, blindfolded, while rotating a single stick continuously for 30 minutes.

Our Managing Director Dr. Anjana addressed the packed and vibrant audience, who cheered her with a loud round of applause. The achievements of the young ones filled her with pride as a doctor and she encouraged each and every child to be the best version of themselves in any field they chose.

Our chairman addressed the crowd with motivational stories of people with type 1 diabetes whom he has encountered in his career. He spoke about Nicole Johnson, a former beauty queen who went on to become Miss America, the first ever to do so with type 1 diabetes. She is now associated with the American Diabetes Association (ADA). He recollected the days when the former Miss America visited our center at Gopalapuram 20 years ago with her 3-year-old daughter. She had the honour of announcing our Chairman’s Kelly West Award award at the ADA Annual Meeting in 2024.

He also spoke about Gary Hall Jr., an American swimmer who won multiple medals at the Olympics. Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes during his preparation for the Olympics, Gary was demotivated by many who said no person with type 1 diabetes could ever get selected for the Olympics. Our chairman also shared the story of Wasim Akram, a Pakistani cricketer and a good friend of his, who managed to take 250 international wickets after being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

He thanked the Hinduja Foundation and Mukul Madhav Foundation for their selfless support in helping children with type 1 diabetes and specially mentioned Mr. Dheeraj Hinduja, the executive chairman of Ashok Leyland, who himself has type 1 diabetes.

The chairman’s speech was followed by a group picture with the warriors. A diabetes awareness skit was performed by the staff of MDRF and DMDSC, taking the children and parents through a roller coaster of emotions with moments to laugh, cry, think, and rethink.

Mr. Prashanth, the founder of the Tamil Nadu T1D Association and a patient at our hospital, gave an inspirational speech to motivate children and parents on the importance of taking ownership of one’s own life and diabetes. He emphasized the need to utilize the education and support provided by doctors and educators and to practically apply them in daily life to master one’s own diabetes.


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