Siblings Rahul and Meena were diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes more than a decade ago. Rahul was 13 years old and Meena was 9 years old when they had to face the biggest challenge of their life. They had to go through the rollercoaster of highs and lows in their blood sugars with the greatest of difficulty. It was hard for them initially to bring their blood sugars on track. Now, they have bought not only their diabetes but also their life on track by successfully running the 15th edition of “Skechers Performance Chennai Marathon” and thereby giving checkmate to diabetes which challenged them.
They are an example and an inspiration to everyone who is struggling with diabetes. To the ones who feel low and curse themselves for the lemon that life has given to them, here, they say, squeeze it and have it as lemonade.
They have been constantly working for the welfare of other children with diabetes and are cofounders of TamilNadu Type 1 Diabetes Foundation.